Mechatronics Engineer


Thordrive Inc. is an Autonomous Driving start-up targeting commercial Aviation Cargo industry, developing level 4 Autonomy for GSE (Ground support equipment) tractors & currently testing operations at CVG Airport. 

I had the privilege to work at Thordrive and solve some of the most challenging robotics problems pertaining in the novel AV industry. Below, you can find some demonstrations. To learn more about Thordrive, please checkout

Fly-by-wire Throttle tap-in

Power Load Testing

The main objective of the demo above is to demonstrate the set of tools I have developed for efficient testing and validation of new actuators, sensors and other teams' needs.

AV Takeover Sensor

Developed & tested a custom sensor for taking over autonomous driving by the safety driver. The video demonstrates the test undertaken to ensure that the sourced HW & the mechanical design complies with the design requirements.

State Machine Applications

The redesign of SW architecture around Finite State Machines delivers a much safer system for the safety drivers as well as the equipement and staff on the field. Training the team to make sense of the LED lights on the vehicle (that relays a certain state) in addition to auditory signals ensures safety and saves time on maintainance calls. It also details more clarity around decision making and saves significant time on debugging.